This application has been and still is developed jointly and proudly by two Paris based companies : Noir Lumière and Be4Post.

For three consecutive years, this collaboration has been supported by the CNC thanks to its financial support for technical industries. Thanks to this help, we are able to offer you a functional application in line with state-of-the-art shooting methods.

The Team

Guillaume Buisson, Senior Developer

Alexandre Soubrier, UX Designer

Jérémy Maurel, Graphics Designer

Brice Barbier, Product Manager at Be4Post

Matthieu Straub, former CTO at Be4Post

Guillaume Poirson, CTO at Be4Post

Dimitri Abbey, Developer at Noir Lumière

François Dupuy, CTO at Noir Lumière

Etienne Traisnel, President at Noir Lumière

Tommaso Vergallo, CEO at Noir Lumière

Roseline Dupuyau, Developer at Noir Lumière