In the Manager

To open the settings menu, press "CMD+P" on your keyboard or select "Project settings..." under the "Project" menu in the tool bar.


This feature is available with the cloud license only.

Using Dailycious, you are able to notify your users two ways :

  1. Directly on device : push up notifications
  2. Email : the user will receive an email at the frequency you decide in the next part

Note that the user still has the option to change this parameters on his end. The decision that prevails is that of the user's.


This feature is available with the cloud license only.

By default, Dailycious does not overlay any watermark. Select "add watermark on every clip" to turn on this feature.

You can then pick the location in the image where you would like the watermark to appear among the nine positions.

The opacity can also be changed. The default opacity value is 50%.

We would recommand to keep an opacity above 30% to keep it visible.

An extra option allows you to add a copyright watermark if required.

Note that the watermark is an extra layer so the text is not "baked-in".


Coming shortly

(the blanking parameters are on the player side for now)