Adding Devices is a local process. That is to say, no internet connexion is required, nor an activated cloud license.

What you need :

If you haven't created your project yet, please read the related chapter.

If Dailycious is not yet running on your device.s, please launch the application. If it's your first project to be added, you should be asked to enter you email and a code. This concerns the cloud project, so ignore these requests.

In the Manager

To find devices on your network, press "CMD+D" on your keyboard or select "Devices" under the "Project" menu in the tool bar. A window is supposed to pop-up listing the potential devices to be added.

There is an iPad available on the network.

There is an iPad available on the network.

When clicking on the 'add device' button, a code appears as shown below. You have 1 minute to enter the code on the connected device.

we are trying to pair an iPad to our project.

we are trying to pair an iPad to our project.

On the device side

When connecting dailycious to a device, you have 1 minute to enter the 5 digits code shown on the manager. In case you miss the deadline, you will have to repeat the process and add the device again.